Sunday, January 21, 2007


I have a very simple rule about my future: No man I will ever marry spells the word "you" with the letter "u."

Text message or not, it's just creepy.

(And yes, I am aware that if there were a land called Anal Retentiva, I would be their Queen.)


Husher7242 said...

So, does this mean Prince is out of the picture?

Unknown said...

Um, well, yes. But for many other reasons. Many.
I did like "When Doves Cry" though.

Scout said...

Damn it! Stupid work e-mail named "Victoria!" Now I am thinking about my boss, and that is never good.

Anonymous said...

So about 12 minutes before I read your last entry I sent a text message to my college student kid... "Did u get my last txt?"
Fortunately I'm not in the running to be your next signifant other. I'm not, right? Because I'm - you know - not like that. Plus I'm married. Geeez now I have to go write in my own blog because this is too long.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scout said...

Note to self:

1. Do not alienate friends.
2. Make blogs specific to boys that aggrevate Scout.
3. Apologize to 'Mama.'

Anonymous said...

Note to self: Never ever ever make up a word like 'signifant' again.