Monday, January 15, 2007

A Creepy Realization

I talked with my mom last night, who let me gab on about pointless irritations and generally, a whole lot of nothingness. Then as I apologized for having little to talk about she broke the news: She is moving in with her boyfriend next month.

My 68-year-old mother called to tell me she is moving in with her boyfriend. (Shudder.)

I suddenly felt the same reaction she likely had when I told her the same thing:

“Eww. Oh my God. She’s having SEX.”

After that, I calmed, and then the pictures returned to my head. Nausea ensued.

It’s hard enough to picture your parents having a sex life when they are married. In order to cope, you just go along with the most intellectual notion: that you were hatched from an egg. This just seems a bit strange to rationalize when you are 27.

But really, this relationship has been nothing but good for her. She hasn’t dated since I was in grade school, and has likely never experienced the kind of happiness she feels now.

She is acting like a girl of 65 again.


Unknown said...

There is little that can be said in response to such an entry that hasn't already been said, so I will simply let another's words take care of it for me. Here are my very basest thoughts:

"...his loose skin and old balls..." Adam Sandler, "Big Daddy"

That about sums it up.

Seriously though, stories like that should be looked at in the appropriate light. Stories like this one reminds us that love can come appear in a variety of shapes and forms and thrust itself into your life at random nodal points. The fact that your mother has found someone to share her life with at the age of 68 simply illustrates that there is hope for us all and that age really is nothing more than a state of mind that can be quickly forgotten.

By the way ... write the screen play for this ... "68 Going on 65" starring Diane Keaton!

Husher7242 said...

Personally, I find it harmful to think that we are the products of intentional intercourse. I happen to know that I was conceived when my parents were walking around in the dark, naked, and accidently bumped into each other.

BTW, thanks to Victoria's comment, I've got the image of a naked Jack Nicholson in my head. And I didn't even like "Something's Gotta Give."