Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm Tired

...tired of always wanting more, tired of expecting things and getting disappointed, tired of being tired.


Husher7242 said...

I want to leave some words of wisdom that will change your life, here. Except that I'm in the same boat, lost on the sea, unable to find my home port, and there's no way out of this crappy metaphor.

Anonymous said...

Okay, kids... See,first of all, life as you know it now is... well, actually seemingly hard but really not. Because as you get older (not that I am, I gave that up for lent), your choices become slimmer for several years, before you get to the "I don't give a frig" age - many, many years away. So right now, make choices that DARE you. Go for relationships, jobs, interests that scare the hell outta you right now. Down the road they may be out of reach. And besides, 'down the road' may never come. Ya know?